大阪大学 正岡研究室



<<Other Events

Events in 2013

<< Events in the second half of 2013

2013/9/21  Study meeting of Young Coordination Chemist's Association Japan at Chubu & Tokai area

2013/9/12-14  60th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan

2013/8/22  Lecture by Dr. Yoko Sakata (Kobe Univ.) at joint seminar with Sakurai G.

Thank you, Dr. Sakata!

2013/8/9-11  Summer school of young coordination chemist's association Japan at Sapporo

Mr. Okamura won a poster award!

2013/8/5-8  Summer school of IMS

2013/7/20-21  Laboratory trip to Toba & Ise
At Toba Aquarium

In front of the "Loved one-and-loved one Rocks" (in Futami-Okitama Shrine)

At Ise Grand Shrine

2013/6/27  Lecture by Prof. Naoki Aratani (NAIST) at joint seminar with Sakurai G.

Thank you, Prof. Aratani!

2013/6/7  Discussion with Prof. Toshihide Maskawa (Nobel Laureate in Physics)

2013/6/1  Open campus of IMS

2013/5/30  Mr. Itoh's paper was accepted to CrystEngComm
Congratulations, Mr. Itoh!

2013/5/23  Nagoya Symposium 2013

With Prof. K. Peter C. Vollhardt

2013/5/16  Lecture by Dr. Daisuke Tanaka (Osaka Univ.) at joint seminar with Sakurai G.

Thank you, Dr. Tanaka!

2013/4/25  Welcome party of IMS

2013/4/10  Group photo

2013/4/8  Mr. Liu, Ms. Fukatsu, and Ms. Fukahori entered SOKENDAI

2013/4/8  Mr. Nakamura won the FY2013 SOKENDAI President's Award

2013/4/3  Welcome party for new members

2013/4/1  Cherry blossom viewing with Sakurai G.

<< Events in the second half of 2013
