大阪大学 正岡研究室



<<Other Events

Events in 2012

<< Events in the second half of 2012

2012/9/28  Yamate happy hour

2012/9/25  Party for undergraduate students who take the extrance examination

2012/9/21-23  62nd JSCC Symposium at Toyama

2012/9/10-12  Dalton Discussion 13 at Sheffield
With Prof. Peter Ford (Univ. California, Santa Barbara, USA).

With Prof. Alvin Holder (Univ. Southern Mississippi) and Prof. Mike Ward (Univ. Sheffield) .

2012/9/9-13  40 International Conference on Coordination Chemistry at Valencia

2012/8/23-24  Workplace experience of students of Okazaki municipal Iwazu Junior High School

2012/8/6-9  Summer school of IMS

2012/8/4-6  Summer school of young coordination chemist's association Japan at Kobe

2012/7/21-22  Laboratory trip to Hirugano Highland

2012/7/7  Welcome party for Ms. Setsiri Haesuwannakij

2012/6/21  Visiting lecture at Okazaki municipal Nukata Junior High School

2012/6/7  Lecture by Dr. Takaaki Tsuruoka (Konan Univ.) at joint seminar with Nagata G. and Sakurai G.

Thank you, Dr. Tsuruoka!

2012/6/2  Open campus

2012/5/24  Lecture by Prof. Yutaka Hitomi (Doshisha Univ.) at joint seminar with Nagata G. and Sakurai G.

Thank you, Prof. Hitomi!

2012/5/21  Solar eclipse viewing

2012/5/7  Welcome party for Ms. Taniwake

2012/4/25  Group photo

2012/4/7  Welcome party for new members

<< Events in the second half of 2012
