大阪大学 正岡研究室



Events in 2011

<< Events in the second half of 2011

2011/9/23-24  Laboratory trip to Himaka Island

2011/9/17-19  61st JSCC Symposium at Okayama

with Sakai Lab. (Kyushu Univ.)

2011/8/8-11  Summer school of IMS

2011/8/6  Fireworks viewing party

2011/8/3  Welcome party for Assis. Prof. Mio Kondo

2011/7/31-8/2  Summer school of young coordination chemist's association Japan at Noto

Mr. Yoshida won a poster award.

2011/7/21  Lecture by Dr. Ryotaro Matsuda (JST ERATO) at joint seminar with Nagata G. and Sakurai G.

Thank you, Dr. Matsuda!

2011/6/30  Lecture by Dr. Takamitsu Fukuda (Osaka Univ.) at joint seminar with Nagata G. and Sakurai G.

Thank you, Dr. Fukuda!

2011/6/24  Welcome party of IMS

2011/6/16  Lecture by Prof. Masaki Kawano (POSTECH, South Korea) at joint seminar with Nagata G. and Sakurai G.

Thank you, Prof. Kawano!

2011/6/4  With Dr. Mio Kondo

2011/5/28  Open campus

2011/5/20  Start-up party

2011/5/6  Group photo

<< Events in the second half of 2011
