
Injectable Thermoreversible Hydrogels Based on Amphiphilic Poly(amino acid)s, Yasushi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Uyama, Naoki Tomoshige, Eiji Watanabe, Yoichi Tachibana, and Shiro Kobayashi, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 44, 671-675 (2006).

Fabrication of Non-woven Mats of Gelatin/Poly(L-lactic acid) Composites by Electrospinning and Their Application for Scaffold of Cell Proliferation, Young Sun Moon, Hiroshi Uyama, Sachiko Inoue, and Yasuhiko Tabata, Chem. Lett., 35, 564-565 (2006).

Thermal Behavior and Phase Morphology of Miscible Hydrogen-Bonded Blends of Poly(e-caprolactone) and Enzymatically Polymerized Polyphenol, Jianchun Li, Tokuma Fukuoka, Yong He, Hiroshi Uyama, Shiro Kobayashi, and Yoshio Inoue, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 101, 149-160 (2006).

The Paints by Enzymatic Reaction Using Laccol on Three-roll Mill, Nobuyuki Ando, Hiroshi Oyabu, Takashi Tsujimoto, and Hiroshi Uyama, J. Jpn. Colour Mater., , 79, 438-441 (2006).



Enzymatic Synthesis and Properties of Polymers from Polyphenols, Hiroshi Uyama and Shiro Kobayashi, Adv. Polym. Sci., 194, 51-67 (2006).

Enzymatic Synthesis of Polyesters via Polycondensation, Hiroshi Uyama and Shiro Kobayashi, Adv. Polym. Sci., 194, 133-158 (2006).

カテキン重合体、ハイブリッドの生物活性、宇山 浩、茶の効能と応用開発、伊勢村 護監修、シーエムシー(東京)、pp295-303 (2006).

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Synthesis and Applications of Catechin-Aldehyde Polycondensates, Hiroshi Uyama, 有機合成化学協会誌、64, 1191-1198 (2006).

植物油脂からつくる高性能複合材料、宇山 浩、現代化学、429, 43-49 (2006).

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アレルゲン抑制化合物及びその製造方法、宇山 浩、藤原昭彦、特開2006-304708

ポリアミノ酸を構成成分とするハイドロゲル、宇山 浩、吉田尚之、特開2006-307004

有機無機ハイブリッド、宇山 浩、景山 弘、舩岡正光、特開2006-342270

γ−ポリグルタミン酸架橋物及びその製造方法、宇山 浩、瀬脇智満、小山内 靖、岩本美絵、崔 在普A朴 清、成 文喜、 PCT/JP2006/318541

Cosmetics Containing poly(g-glutamic acid)-Vitamin Complexes, Moon Hee Sung, Chung Park, Seok Chan Kim, Gyoo Soon Park, Hiroshi Uyama, Haryoung Poo, and Jae Jun Song, 大韓民国特許登録0485727、PCT WO 2006001567 (2006)